Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am Jim, hear me roar. I am writing this blog to document my first (and maybe last) marathon. I'll be providing pictures, times, mileage, and how I feel on a weekly basis.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Well, to be exact, about 26.2 miles of punishment on the body. I've run half that distance twice before (Cleveland and Akron), but I'm honestly really nervous about how things are going to play out. My feet will hit the ground roughly 26,000 times each, with every step bringing me closer to a longtime personal victory. I've had a few people tell me that I'm crazy for doing this, but I think they're selling themselves short for not. Some of us are just not satisfied with what comes easy all the time. I'm not saying this is my lifestyle, because I live low-maintenance with a lot of things. This will definitely be the hardest thing I've ever done. Running or not. I'm going to have to overcome myself, if I want to come out on top of this bold undertaking.

Week#2: This week I've been super sick, as my roommates decided to go out of town and bring something back with them. I had to skip Tuesday and Wednesday due to sickness, weather, being lazy, and my local rec center's indoor track closing early. I did manage to swim Monday morning, and run about 2 miles today (Thursday). I'm definitely not looking forward to this 5 mile run I have to put in on Saturday. I haven't gone more than 3 miles in months. I hope I don't vom on my new shoes. They still smell nice. At this point, I feel like I'm staring at the peak of a mountain from the very bottom.

"Run Jimmy, Run!" - something my dad used to always say to me when I passed him at a track or cross country meet. It was a play on "Run Forrest, Run!" Still makes me laugh thinking about it :)

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